
Our idea

To help people live a healthy lifestyle closer to nature by eating dried fruit and nuts, and to promote a culture of physical and spiritual well-being.

Our Vision

Be a reference point for healthy and sustainable food, putting health, planet and respect for people at the heart of all we do, with the ultimate goal of influencing the entire food industry.

Our Mission

The 7 cornerstones of our Mission have been written together with our employees in order to become a common and shared committment.

Sustainability Report

Our Sustainability Report is a tool intended to clearly and completely share the impact of our actions. These are determined by the seven points that make up our corporate Mission, defined collectively and signed by all Euro Company collaborators.

The Report represents a unique result because, in addition to sharing the outcome of this operation, it aims at being an example, a concrete and achievable story that we are proud to share.


Our commitment to employees

We provide all our employees with an ethical and stimulating environment in which to find happiness and fulfilment.

Our commitment to consumers

We offer consumers plant foods based on nuts and dried fruit, with ingredient lists as short as possible, and we try to minimize the transformation of the raw material.

Our commitment to the environment

We invest in renewable energy, in minimizing packaging waste and in developing more sustainable packaging.

Our commitment to customers and suppliers

We have given ourselves an internal protocol, Ethical Quality, which guides us in our choices.

For us, Ethical Quality is the model to be inspired by, in order to establish increasingly ethical supply chain relationships and offer consumers the best possible product.
Over the years, we have progressively increased the number of supply chain relationships based on this protocol and will continue to do so in the coming years.
The details of our supply chain agreements are made explicit within the Sustainability Report.


Our commitment to the community

We support the community through projects and training courses on health and proper nutrition in our conviction that this should not be a distinguishing mark but the duty of the entire food industry. Shop Online

Finally, you can buy nuts, natural dehydrated fruits (containing only natural sugar) and 100% Nuts Cream online.

Nuturally  is the first online shop dedicated to lovers of nuts: more than 120 products in large packs for true lovers of nuts.

We are proud to be a Certified B Corporation®


“Certified B Corporation” is a trademark licensed by B Lab, a private non-profit organization, to companies like ours that have successfully completed the B Impact Assessment (“BIA”) and therefore meet the requirements set by B Lab for social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency. It is specified that B Lab is not a conformity assessment body as defined by Regulation (EU) No 765/2008, nor is it a national, European, or international standardization body as per Regulation (EU) No 1025/2012. The criteria of the BIA are distinct and independent from the harmonized standards resulting from ISO norms or other standardization bodies, and they are not ratified by national or European public institutions.

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“Non è un FORMAGGIO” - Nuovi prodotti sostitutivi del FORMAGGIO a base frutta secca
Progetto cofinanziato dal Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale nell’ambito del bando Regione Emilia Romagna POR FESR 2014-2020 “bando per progetti di ricerca collaborativa e sviluppo delle imprese” – DGR 773/2015 e succ. mod.. IMPORTO DEL CONTRIBUTO CONCESSO: euro 197.994,23 PERIODO DI SVOLGIMENTO: maggio 2016 – ottobre 2017 DESCRIZIONE: Il progetto consiste nella realizzazione di un prodotto di tipo nuovo sostitutivo del formaggio nelle diete vegane, vegetariane e nelle diete per intolleranti al latte e alle sue proteine. Il prodotto realizzato anche mediante l’utilizzo di latte estratto dalla frutta secca avrà caratteristiche organolettiche molto simili a quelle del formaggio ricavato dal latte, ma sarà di origine vegetale. OBIETTIVI: 1. definire il trattamento ottimale a cui deve essere soggetta la materia prima per ottimizzare resa, qualità nutrizionale ed organolettica del prodotto finito 2. assicurare la realizzazione di un prodotto agroalimentare sicuro 3. intervenire sulle tecniche di conservazione del prodotto 4. individuare il packaging ottimale 5. offrire sul mercato un prodotto salubre e sicuro in grado di rispondere a cambiamenti di tipo culturale e alimentare RISULTATI: Il progetto ha lo scopo di realizzare prodotti fermentati innovativi, a partire dalla frutta secca, indirizzati a consumatori vegetariani/vegani/intolleranti. - messa a punto delle condizioni ottimali di processo - innalzamento delle caratteristiche di stabilità e sicurezza alimentare - studio e la messa a punto di tipologie di imballaggi