Containerof Value



mediterranean diet

Mediterranean diet: a study confirms its neuroprotective role

Monday, December 14 - 2020

A study conducted on a sample of 47,000 Swedish women, aged between 29 and 49, seems to confirm the already known positive effects of the Mediterranean diet both on neurodegenerative pathologies, like Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease, and on the cognitive decline due to aging. The study is based on the association between the adoption of…

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healthy diet vs bad diet

About two-thirds of deaths from heart diseases could be avoided by adopting a healthy diet: a study

Monday, November 16 - 2020

For the World Food Day 2020, celebrated every year on October 16th to commemorate the founding of the FAO (United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization), an international group of researchers (China, Israel, USA, and Canada) presented a report based on the data of the Global Burden of Disease Study of 2017, the report on the…

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UN World Food Programme wins 2020 Nobel Peace Prize

Monday, October 12 - 2020

The Norwegian Nobel Committee awarded the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize to the WFP (World Food Programme), headquartered in Rome, “for its efforts to combat hunger and for acting as a driving force to prevent the use of hunger as a weapon of war”. Established in 1961 and UN official programme since 1965, the WFP is…

junk food

The consumption of ultra-processed food favours premature aging

Monday, September 07 - 2020

There is a strong relation between cell aging and the consumption of ultra-processed foods. This is what emerges from a study published on the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, conducted by a team of Spanish researchers of the Universities of Navarra, Pamplona and Madrid, whose results were presented at the European and International Congress on…

“From Farm to Fork”: a strategy for a fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly food system

Monday, July 20 - 2020

On May 20th, a communication called “A Farm to Fork Strategy for a fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly food system” was published in the context of the Green Deal, the roadmap set and shared by all the States to make Europe (and its economy) the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. It addresses globally the challenges to…

gut health

Sodium Reduction in nutrition has positive benefits on the intestinal bacterial flora: a study

Friday, June 26 - 2020

A diet rich in sodium can negatively alter the intestinal microbiome. This is what emerged from a recent study, conducted on the human model, published by the Georgia Prevention Institute’s researchers in the Hypertension journal. The intestinal microbiota is composed of bacteria, viruses, protozoans, and fungus which inhabit the gastrointestinal tract: they have several functions,…

fresh water

Guidelines on healthy eating: Misconceptions about drinking water

Tuesday, June 09 - 2020

With summer comes the usual health advice to drink a lot of water to stay hydrated. Although it seems a cliché that we repeatedly hear every year, it is a wise recommendation: water is indeed a precious good, essential for life and to stay healthy not only in summer but all year round. It is…

vegetarian diet

Effects on health of vegetarian diets compared to omnivorous ones: a review.

Tuesday, May 05 - 2020

Vegetarian or vegan diet? The beneficial effects of those two types of diet are a present matter of debate, both in the scientific community and in the non-specialised information channels like magazines, newspapers, and television programs. In most cases, the main matter of debate is the comparison between the effects on health of this type…


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“Non è un FORMAGGIO” - Nuovi prodotti sostitutivi del FORMAGGIO a base frutta secca
Progetto cofinanziato dal Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale nell’ambito del bando Regione Emilia Romagna POR FESR 2014-2020 “bando per progetti di ricerca collaborativa e sviluppo delle imprese” – DGR 773/2015 e succ. mod.. IMPORTO DEL CONTRIBUTO CONCESSO: euro 197.994,23 PERIODO DI SVOLGIMENTO: maggio 2016 – ottobre 2017 DESCRIZIONE: Il progetto consiste nella realizzazione di un prodotto di tipo nuovo sostitutivo del formaggio nelle diete vegane, vegetariane e nelle diete per intolleranti al latte e alle sue proteine. Il prodotto realizzato anche mediante l’utilizzo di latte estratto dalla frutta secca avrà caratteristiche organolettiche molto simili a quelle del formaggio ricavato dal latte, ma sarà di origine vegetale. OBIETTIVI: 1. definire il trattamento ottimale a cui deve essere soggetta la materia prima per ottimizzare resa, qualità nutrizionale ed organolettica del prodotto finito 2. assicurare la realizzazione di un prodotto agroalimentare sicuro 3. intervenire sulle tecniche di conservazione del prodotto 4. individuare il packaging ottimale 5. offrire sul mercato un prodotto salubre e sicuro in grado di rispondere a cambiamenti di tipo culturale e alimentare RISULTATI: Il progetto ha lo scopo di realizzare prodotti fermentati innovativi, a partire dalla frutta secca, indirizzati a consumatori vegetariani/vegani/intolleranti. - messa a punto delle condizioni ottimali di processo - innalzamento delle caratteristiche di stabilità e sicurezza alimentare - studio e la messa a punto di tipologie di imballaggi